27 October 2008

Racial Profiling

Recent studies have shown that African Americans are far more likely to be stopped and searched while driving their motor vehicle. Other statistics show that a higher percentage of crime is perpetrated by African Americans. Are African Americans really committing more crimes or are they just caught more often because they are racially profiled thus skewing the statistics?

20 October 2008

Victimless Crimes

Do victimless crimes only have a negative impact on the person who is participating in the activity or does society suffer as well?

14 October 2008

Human Sacrifice

In the final scene that we viewed of Fight Club where Tyler and Jack visit Raymond K. Hessell a powerful exchange takes place. Do you think what Tyler did to Raymond was an example of deviance working as a positive for society, or do you see no value in what Tyler did? Explain...

06 October 2008

Deviance & War

Why is murdering someone illegal and deviant in the real world, but a soldier killing another soldier in war not considered to be a deviant act?

01 October 2008

The Virtues of Ben Franklin

How important are virtues in American Society today?
Would Ben Franklin's ideals hold up in the 21st Century?