23 December 2008

Hip Hop...Uniting or Dividing?

After discussing the article from the New York Times - "Guarding the Boarders of Hip-Hop Nation" - do you think that the entire culture of HIP-HOP unites the races or further divides them?

15 December 2008

2008 - Too PC???

With all of the different holidays on the winter horizon has society become too concerned with offending different races, ethnicities, and religions when discussing the holiday season? In other words has America become too "Politically Correct?"

09 December 2008

Brown Eye - Blue Eyes...

Who do you think learned a greater lesson in the documentary A Class Divided - the 3rd Grade Children or the Iowa State Correctional Officers? Why?

08 December 2008

American History X

After finishing Tony Kaye's film American History X - who do you think is the "good guy" - who is the "bad guy" - who is the "victim" - and who has learned the greatest lesson?