20 October 2010

Due Process...

In the United States people accused of a crime are considered innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof falls on the government to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused has committed a crime. Clearly this is a benefit to a person accused of a crime. If the situation were reversed (as it is in many countries around the world) guilty until proven innocent, the benefit would be on the side of the government and not the individual. Martin L. in Period 1 came up with the following question: Is the system of due process a good one for all of society? In other words are you comfortable with the possibility of allowing a person who had committed a crime walk free, because of reasonable doubt, or is it harder to accept placing an innocent man behind bars to protect against reasonable doubt? Thoughts...

Victimless Crime...

Are victimless crimes only hurting the person committing the crime or do you think that society as a whole suffers as well? Should some of these actions be decriminalized? Thoughts...

13 October 2010

The Pledge...

If a person does not stand during the pledge of allegiance or the national anthem - is it considered a negative Social More? Would you consider it Deviant? Should people stand? Thoughts...


One of your favorite childhood holidays falls on Sunday October 31st this year - Halloween. My two questions for all of you are, A) Do you still dress up for Halloween, and B) At what age does it become deviant to dress up in a costume and ask your neighbors or strangers for treats?

05 October 2010

Human Sacrifice...

In the final scene that we viewed of Fight Club where Tyler and Jack visit Raymond K. Hessell a powerful exchange takes place. Do you think what Tyler did to Raymond was an example of deviance working as a positive for society, or do you see no value in what Tyler did? Explain...