24 November 2010

Diversity Day...

After watching "Diversity Day" from the NBC television show The Office do you think humor and satire can teach people about racism and ethnic differences? Also, the character Michael Scott is clearly intolerant towards all people. Can we learn a lesson from people like him?

05 November 2010

What did you see Parts I & II...

During the PowerPoint and live demonstration of the "WHAT DID YOU SEE" activity what did you learn about yourself and about others in relation to their preconceived notions about Race and Ethnicity? The people who participated in Part II of the activity are to be commended, they performed a task that was NOT easy. But, do you think you would have done a better job of figuring out names and dominant ethnicity? Explain...

04 November 2010

Race and the IAT...

First they gave us JFK, then Mark Zuckerberg, and now the IAT. Yesterday in the Computer Lab you took part in Harvard's IAT Race Test - please address the following questions...1) Do you think the information the IAT gave you about yourself is accurate? 2) What ways could the test be improved in your opinion?