22 December 2010

What Would You Do Part II...

After watching the second round of 20/20 "What Would You Do" Race experiments - please address the following questions. 1) What would be your reaction if you witnessed an act like this while shopping? 2) What would you do if you were the one being persecuted? Thoughts...

What Would You Do Part I...

After viewing the segments from 20/20 with the kids vandalizing cars in a park in Ridgewood, NJ what are your general feelings on the study? What elements made the people react the way they did? What could have changed their opinions? What should people who view this special take away from it?

09 December 2010

Lessons in Discrimination...

After watching the famous case study of "Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes" conducted by Jane Elliot it is clear that the people who have taken her class and her workshops have a better understanding of Discrimination. Think back to "Diversity Day" on The Office episode we viewed, do you think Michael Scott could learn a lesson from Jane Elliot? Could Jane learn from Michael? Which lesson is more powerful to people of your age bracket? Thoughts...