28 April 2011

Race & IAT...

Earlier this week you spent a day in the Computer Lab taking part in Harvard's Race/IAT Test - please address the following questions... 1) Do you think the initial information that IAT gave you about yourself is accurate? 2) In what ways could the test be improved?

11 April 2011

Racial Profiling

Recent studies have shown the black people in America are far more likely to be pulled over and searched while driving their motor vehicles. Other statistics show that the highest rates of crime in the United States is perpetrated by black people. The interesting Sociological question here is are black people committing more crimes or are they caught more often because of racial profiling, thus skewing the statistics?

Victimless Crimes...

Are victimless crimes only hurting the person committing the crime or do you think that society as a whole suffers as well? Should some of these crimes/actions be decriminalized? Thoughts...