09 March 2012

Nature or Nurture?

After briefly discussing Margaret Mead and her work in New Guinea...what is the answer to her great question - Is it a person's NATURE that shapes who they are, or is it NURTURE?

Losing Touch?

With the influx of technology (social media/social networking) into our society today, do you think that we are losing our ability to interact with people in a face-to-face manner?  If so what can be done to curb this trend?  Thoughts...

23 December 2011

Michael Scott...

After watching the "Diversity Day" episode of The Office do you think a lesson can be learned from Michael Scott? Do you believe that by being offensive to all people you are in fact offensive to no one? Thoughts...

30 November 2011

Official Language...

After today's discussion we know that by the year 2040 sociologist predict that Spanish will be the most widely spoken language in the USA.  Since there is no "official" language in the United States do you think we should add one?  If so, should it be Spanish, English, or both?  Thoughts....

21 November 2011

What did you see???

During the Prezi and corresponding live demonstration of the "WHAT DID YOU SEE" activity what did you learn about yourself and about others in relation to their preconceived notions about Race and Ethnicity? The people who participated in Part II of the activity are to be commended, they performed a task that was NOT easy. But, do you think you would have done a better job of figuring out names and dominant ethnicity? Explain...

26 October 2011

Victimless Crime...

Are victimless crimes only hurting the person committing the crime or do you think that society as a whole suffers as well? Should some of these crimes/actions be decriminalized? Thoughts...

18 October 2011

Is Halloween Deviant????

Now that you are a senior in high school do you think it is deviant to "dress up" for Halloween?  Do you think it is deviant to go house to house and "treat" for candy?  If you said yes to either of the previous questions at what age do you feel dressing up and going trick or treating becomes deviant?