09 March 2012

Nature or Nurture?

After briefly discussing Margaret Mead and her work in New Guinea...what is the answer to her great question - Is it a person's NATURE that shapes who they are, or is it NURTURE?


KevinJensen said...

I think that it is a both nature and nurture that shapes a person, though I believe nurture is more imperative. It is part nature because, I believe that, when you are born, you are good. I consider this to be true, because I have not seen anyone who has not acted out of order because of how they were born, and not their surroundings, and environment. I think it is more nurture because it is vital to know someone by how/where they grew up. If you were to take five of your best friends, and averaged them out, the data you find would be so close to who you are (salary, weight, social class, etc.) that it's undeniable that nurture is a big part of who you are.

Tiffany E. said...

I think that it is both nature and nurture. I used to think that it was just nurture, but I have seen how nature can shape a person too. However I truly believe that nurture is the most important out of the two. Parents are the ones who are supposed to teach and help their children to grow up to make good choices. If parents are setting good examples for their children then that kind of nurture will help the child grow up to be that way too. And if parents are setting bad examples then the child will grow up to follow their examples. However nature can change that. Nature can shape someone with a bad home environment and have them become a better person than that. As well as someone who grows up with the best of everything, nature can change them to make the wrong decisions. I think that nature is important in shaping who we are, but nurture is where our lives start and where we as people begin to develop. That is why I believe nature and nurture are both important, but nurture is more important.

MicheleTereso said...
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MicheleTereso said...

I don't think there is a correct or incorrect answer to the question. In many ways, a person can be shaped by nurture. The morals and values within the family and culture of a person can shape their personality. Although I strongly believe that a person is somewhat shaped by nurture, I am compelled to believe that the nature of a person is the foundation of their personality. For example, I know a woman who had a set of twin daughters. One of those girls is a cheerleader, always dressing in the latest trendy outfit, and is straight. The other twin is a tomboy, has completely different interests, and is gay. Both girls were raised in the same household and by the same parents, yet their personalities are complete opposites. I think the way someone is raised and the morals that person is brought up with definitely have a huge impact on what kind of person they grow up to be. However, everyone is born with a certain soul regardless of where or when they are brought into this world. Although nurture can sway someone's personality tremendously, I believe that the nature of a person is the foundation of what kind of person they are/become.

Unknown said...
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Mitzie said...

In my opinion, I think either nature or nurture can shape who a person is, or a combination rather. For example, a person can be brought up in the worst conditions, and be taught no values, but still end up becoming a person with values and morals because that how they are as a person(their nature). At the same time some who may grow up in the best conditions, but could end up being the complete opposite. Ultimately both have an effect on any individual. So it really can't be one or the other that defines or shapes who a person is or will be.

Unknown said...
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Amber Lewis said...

This answer is entirely up to the person who we are judging, if it was nature or nurture. People can be brought up in a different perspective of the world in their nurture. But seeing the world how it is today could easily change our minds. Society today, the nature we live in, has ruined the minds of many; specifically teenagers. A teenage girl cannot be happy in the world today unless she is a size double zero, has no pimples, perfect body and look like all the models they see on television. This is one example that shows how nature shapes society. But if you're brought up in a home where your parents taught you to be what you want to be, then that is being brought up and shaped by nuture. If your parents want you to grow up with respect and responsibility, those are the characteristics that think you will have as an adult. Nature also could be a good thing though. Some people who have no had a great childhood don't necessarily need to be the same way as their parents were. Nature can help make someone realize it is okay to change and to be better as a person than your parents were when you were being brought up. This question is a tough one, and I don't think it has an answer but more of opinions from different people. In my opinion, I think nature shapes people more by who you involve yourself with and how you let other people have influence on you.

Crkykers said...


jennifer anderson said...

um yeah, i think its both.

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