23 December 2008

Hip Hop...Uniting or Dividing?

After discussing the article from the New York Times - "Guarding the Boarders of Hip-Hop Nation" - do you think that the entire culture of HIP-HOP unites the races or further divides them?

15 December 2008

2008 - Too PC???

With all of the different holidays on the winter horizon has society become too concerned with offending different races, ethnicities, and religions when discussing the holiday season? In other words has America become too "Politically Correct?"

09 December 2008

Brown Eye - Blue Eyes...

Who do you think learned a greater lesson in the documentary A Class Divided - the 3rd Grade Children or the Iowa State Correctional Officers? Why?

08 December 2008

American History X

After finishing Tony Kaye's film American History X - who do you think is the "good guy" - who is the "bad guy" - who is the "victim" - and who has learned the greatest lesson?

24 November 2008

1st Amendment Protection

After reading about hate groups and seeing some in action on film - do you think the protections of the 1st Amendment should apply to these groups? Yes/No & WHY or WHY Not?

17 November 2008

Nature vs. Nurture

As we have discussed in class in our introduction to Race & Ethnicity we have come to an important question, "Are people born with racism in their blood or are they taught to hate?" Sociologists and Psychologists have compelling data to prove either side correct - what do you think?

13 November 2008

Race Classifications

Are older Sociologist right by having only THREE classifications for Race? Do those classifications need to change? If so, how would you classify them?

05 November 2008

Drug Addiction

Is drug addiction a choice or is it an illness ?

27 October 2008

Racial Profiling

Recent studies have shown that African Americans are far more likely to be stopped and searched while driving their motor vehicle. Other statistics show that a higher percentage of crime is perpetrated by African Americans. Are African Americans really committing more crimes or are they just caught more often because they are racially profiled thus skewing the statistics?

20 October 2008

Victimless Crimes

Do victimless crimes only have a negative impact on the person who is participating in the activity or does society suffer as well?

14 October 2008

Human Sacrifice

In the final scene that we viewed of Fight Club where Tyler and Jack visit Raymond K. Hessell a powerful exchange takes place. Do you think what Tyler did to Raymond was an example of deviance working as a positive for society, or do you see no value in what Tyler did? Explain...

06 October 2008

Deviance & War

Why is murdering someone illegal and deviant in the real world, but a soldier killing another soldier in war not considered to be a deviant act?

01 October 2008

The Virtues of Ben Franklin

How important are virtues in American Society today?
Would Ben Franklin's ideals hold up in the 21st Century?

25 September 2008

The Pledge

If a person does not stand during the pledge of allegiance - is it considered a negative Social More?