24 November 2008

1st Amendment Protection

After reading about hate groups and seeing some in action on film - do you think the protections of the 1st Amendment should apply to these groups? Yes/No & WHY or WHY Not?


erinzenzie said...

i believe that the groups should not have the protection of the first amendment. they take it to an extent at times and it leads to more than the first amendment. There are times when it's just overdone and when it should not protect certain peoples actions. Also, as we said in class today, i have this opinion mostly becuase i do not agree with what the point is that they are trying to point out. That is why i feel these groups should not be protected by the 1st amendment, and i feel that they should be illegal altogether.

sean parent said...

i believe differnt from what erin said. im sure you all remeber in the 60's when african americans were fighting for their rights. they had the right to do so, and they also got protection from authorities. in the skin head movement there believes are complet oposite, but they are activly useing their first amendment. they have every right to have protection from the authorities. now when i say all this it doesnt mean i support what the skin heads do, all im saying is that these hate groups have the right for protection. the only difference between the african american movement in the 60's and the skin head movement in the 90's and today is that there belifs are different. but they are useing there right, the first amendment.

Why, Jake, of course! said...

I agree with Sean. I do not support the racist Skinhead movement or agree with their beliefs, in fact I find them to be offensive, but they have opinions just like the rest of us, and like the rest of us they should be free to express their opinions without fear of harm as long as they aren't harming anyone. Sure, maybe they could cut down on the slurs and profanities a bit during their marches, but in general I think it's only fair that they recieve the protection that any other group does. Hate in itself is not a crime, so I believe Skinheads have a right to peacefully assemble and freedom of speech. I will, however, exercise the first ammendment myself by saying I think the world would be better off without their rallies and marches.

Stephanie said...

I personally think that the first amendement, which is the right to assemble should not apply to these groups of people. I feel that these groups take for granted the amendements that they are given. I believe that no group should have the right to march down any street, trying to prove to people that there race is the best. Reguardless of there preception on different groups of people, i feel there opinions should be kept to themselves. I realize i am mainly saying this because of how i feel and because of how i view different things, but i do believe that these groups should not be protected by the first amendment because there actions are pushing things way over the top

Natalia said...

I believe that these groups should not be protected by the 1st amendment. I think so mainly because what their purpose is. I thought they did have a purpose and a good argument as for why they were organizing themselves into these hate groups, but after seeing Skinheads USA, i think otherwise. These hate groups are causing more harm than goodness mainly because they provoke violence. As seen in the video, there are many children participating in these groups. I really don't think that young kids like them have a clear understanding of what the groups are really trying to do. I think they are trying to get these young minds onto their sides for the wrong reasons. Instead of changing the past with the KKK and the Nazi and what had once made people suffer, they are bringing it back in stead of getting rid of it. Yes, people have the freedom of speech, but in my opinion this is taking it too far, it's kike they are able to harm others and they are let that happen. I think that they are just abusing the amendment instead of using it for a good cause.

Brenda said...

While I think it is a good thing that anyone can express their opinion about anything, peacefully that is, whether it is unpopular or not, I think this is where we should draw the line. I however don’t know how we would do that because once we change that well the government will try to change what you can say about them and how bad a job they are doing and it is an important right. I don’t think there is much we can do about changing the 1st amendment and who is protected and who isn’t, but I do think that what they are doing is down right awful and should not be allowed, firstly because it is just so wrong and also it portrays America as a place of bitter hatred, a modern Nazi Germany, and that is not a true representation of us or what we stand for. p.s. this is an extra credit blog :)

Nurjhan said...

I believe that these hate groups should not be protected by the first amendment. They should not be protected because they aren't adhearing to the conditions for them to remain protected by the amendment. In a packet in class it said that most members of the Skinheads do actually commit murder which is proof that they are abusing their right, also in the film skinheads USA Bill Riccio himself was arrested for possesion of illegal firearms; if he were trully just having a peaceful assembly there would be no need for weapons at all.

S.Costa said...

I believe that these groups should have the protection of the first amendment. As seen in the films we've watched at their rallies they do nothing but talk and yell... they do not physically harm anyone, they are peacefully assembling to publicly announce their beliefs. Although sometimes they do take their protection for granted.. when they say they will go to high schools, middle schools and elementary schools to teach the kids how to hate and to recruit to the skin heads. Its in instances like this were i believe that they shouldn't get the protection.

shayne munoz said...

I believe that some of these hate groups should and shouldn't have the protection of the first amendment. I believe that they should have to protection of the first amendment because they are just showing what they believe in is right and fighting for what they believe. Throughout our history many people have tried to fight for there rights such as sean mentioned, with african americans fighting for there rights to be equal. Also with the women, they faught for there rights to vote. Now all these movements were protected by authority because of the first amendment. I also do believe that some of these hate groups should not be protected by the first amendment, because in my opinion I believe that its okay for them to voice there opinion they have every right too. But sometimes many of these groups take it way to far and thats when they cross the line and the law. I am not saying that all these groups should be exterminated but I believe that without some of them and their rallies and marches the world might be a better place and people would feel safer.

A Holzhauer said...

I believe that everybody should be protected under the 1st amendment as long as they follow the laws. If we were to tell the KKK and Neo-Nazis that only they weren't aloud to peacefully assemble, then this wouldn't be the United States of America. This country was built on people who were trying to get away from persecution, and for us to single out just a few groups would be going against what we stand for as a nation. If you don't like what they are saying, don't listen to them. Because they are peacefully assembling, nobody is forcing you to watch, agree, or even look at them.

Leesh said...

I do not think that these hate groups should have the protection of the first amendment. Yes, they are not physically hurting people, but they are sitting there threatening people, which in my mind is extremely similar. In the documentary that we watched, Bill Riccio was openly saying that he was going to hang African-Americans and Jews, yet under the first amendment cops were forced to stand there and protect him, even if they were African-American or Jewish. I do believe in the freedom of assembly, but not if the reason you're assembling is to exercise hate.

Kate C said...

i think these groups should not be protected by the first amendment. They should have the freedom to assemble but when they are publicly promoting violence and hatred to other people they should not have the protection of the police. Sean says that african americans had the protection from the police which is true, but they were not promoting violence against other people they were fighting for equality. These groups openly talk about exterminating any other race than the white race and when they have these assemblies its promoting them to do so and because of that i think the police should not have to protect these people.

Carl Fleming said...

I believe that the first ammendment should apply to these grops. Although I do not agree with what skinheads or other racist groups believe in, I feel they should have the first ammendment right. Granting them the right does sometimes lead to violent actions but they should stil be able to assemble like any other group. Furthmore, without the right to assemble other actioins throughout history would differ. The african americans fight for their rights and womens suffrage could be different if they could not peacefuly assemble and peacufuly speak their minds. The first ammendemnt is right in allowing hate groups to assemble, even though there should be no hate groups at all.