22 December 2010

What Would You Do Part II...

After watching the second round of 20/20 "What Would You Do" Race experiments - please address the following questions. 1) What would be your reaction if you witnessed an act like this while shopping? 2) What would you do if you were the one being persecuted? Thoughts...

What Would You Do Part I...

After viewing the segments from 20/20 with the kids vandalizing cars in a park in Ridgewood, NJ what are your general feelings on the study? What elements made the people react the way they did? What could have changed their opinions? What should people who view this special take away from it?

09 December 2010

Lessons in Discrimination...

After watching the famous case study of "Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes" conducted by Jane Elliot it is clear that the people who have taken her class and her workshops have a better understanding of Discrimination. Think back to "Diversity Day" on The Office episode we viewed, do you think Michael Scott could learn a lesson from Jane Elliot? Could Jane learn from Michael? Which lesson is more powerful to people of your age bracket? Thoughts...

24 November 2010

Diversity Day...

After watching "Diversity Day" from the NBC television show The Office do you think humor and satire can teach people about racism and ethnic differences? Also, the character Michael Scott is clearly intolerant towards all people. Can we learn a lesson from people like him?

05 November 2010

What did you see Parts I & II...

During the PowerPoint and live demonstration of the "WHAT DID YOU SEE" activity what did you learn about yourself and about others in relation to their preconceived notions about Race and Ethnicity? The people who participated in Part II of the activity are to be commended, they performed a task that was NOT easy. But, do you think you would have done a better job of figuring out names and dominant ethnicity? Explain...

04 November 2010

Race and the IAT...

First they gave us JFK, then Mark Zuckerberg, and now the IAT. Yesterday in the Computer Lab you took part in Harvard's IAT Race Test - please address the following questions...1) Do you think the information the IAT gave you about yourself is accurate? 2) What ways could the test be improved in your opinion?

20 October 2010

Due Process...

In the United States people accused of a crime are considered innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof falls on the government to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused has committed a crime. Clearly this is a benefit to a person accused of a crime. If the situation were reversed (as it is in many countries around the world) guilty until proven innocent, the benefit would be on the side of the government and not the individual. Martin L. in Period 1 came up with the following question: Is the system of due process a good one for all of society? In other words are you comfortable with the possibility of allowing a person who had committed a crime walk free, because of reasonable doubt, or is it harder to accept placing an innocent man behind bars to protect against reasonable doubt? Thoughts...

Victimless Crime...

Are victimless crimes only hurting the person committing the crime or do you think that society as a whole suffers as well? Should some of these actions be decriminalized? Thoughts...

13 October 2010

The Pledge...

If a person does not stand during the pledge of allegiance or the national anthem - is it considered a negative Social More? Would you consider it Deviant? Should people stand? Thoughts...


One of your favorite childhood holidays falls on Sunday October 31st this year - Halloween. My two questions for all of you are, A) Do you still dress up for Halloween, and B) At what age does it become deviant to dress up in a costume and ask your neighbors or strangers for treats?

05 October 2010

Human Sacrifice...

In the final scene that we viewed of Fight Club where Tyler and Jack visit Raymond K. Hessell a powerful exchange takes place. Do you think what Tyler did to Raymond was an example of deviance working as a positive for society, or do you see no value in what Tyler did? Explain...

22 September 2010

Sociological Perspectives...

After learning about the three Sociological Perspectives in chapter one of your text, which one do you feel BEST explains American Culture in the 21st Century? Explain with details...


One of Forrest Gump's most famous quotes is, "Stupid is as stupid does." What does that actually mean and how does the quote relate to the Sociological Imagination?

03 June 2010

What Would You Do Part 2...

After watching the second round of 20/20 "What Would You Do" Race experiments - please address the following questions. 1) What would be your reaction if you witnessed an act like this while shopping? 2) What would you do if you were the one being persecuted? Thoughts...

18 May 2010

Diversity Day & Michael Scott...

After watching "Diversity Day" from the NBC television show The Office do you think humor and satire can teach people about racism and ethnic differences? Also, the character Michael Scott is clearly intolerant towards all people. Can we learn a lesson from people like him?

12 May 2010

Race Classifications...

Do you think the 3 categories of Race Classifications that Sociologist and Cultural Anthropologist use to classify people are outdated? Should they be changed or kept the same? Your thoughts...

04 May 2010


After viewing the segments from 20/20 with the kids vandalizing cars in a park in Ridgewood, NJ what are your general feelings on the study? What elements made the people react the way they did? What could have changed their opinions? What should people who view this special take away from it?

29 April 2010

What did you see?

In the opening activity to Race & Ethnicity you were shown slides of 15 people and had to determine both their Race and Occupation. Many if not all students were unable to correctly identify 25% of the slides. What does this activity tell a person about how they perceive people of a different race or ethnicity?

27 April 2010

IAT - Do you believe in it?

After spending today in the Computer Lab taking part in Harvard's IAT please address the following questions...1) Do you think the information the IAT gave you about yourself is accurate? 2) What ways could the test be improved in your opinion?

06 April 2010

Victimless Crimes...

Now that you have studied the Five Classifications of Crime in class please address the following questions...

1) Are victimless crimes only hurting the person committing the crime or do you think that society as a whole suffers as well?

2) Should victimless crimes be decriminalized?

18 March 2010

Risk vs Reward...

After reading the TIME Magazine piece on cell phones please respond to the following. Do you believe in the possibility of them giving off small doses of radiation that may cause cancer? If so, would you consider giving up your cell phone? In addition, would you be willing to risk your health to enjoy anything in life that may end your life prematurely? - Question proposed by Mike & Dave in Period 4.

08 March 2010

Three Perspectives...

After having discussed and learned about the three Sociological Theories/Perspectives: Conflict, Interactionist, and Functionalist - which one do you think is the best way to understand a society?

Class Dismissed...

After reading the article about Utah's proposal to drop the Senior Year from the current curriculum please address the following question: Are you in favor of this idea? Yes or No? Explain...

24 February 2010

Reverse Sociological Imagination...

Putting reality aside for a minute and believing that someone could actually age in reverse like Benjamin Button...do you think a person's Sociological Imagination would develop better or worse. Explain...

12 February 2010

Sociological Imagination...

Why does the case study of the "Nacirema" become so obvious after we have discussed it as a class? Why do 90% of the people who read the case study for the first time miss the meaning? What does that say about the importance of developing an active sociological imagination?

15 January 2010

Final Blog...

Before you answer this know two things -
1) This is worth 10 Points
2) You have until 11:59:59 on Monday January 18th to answer this question - absolutely no exceptions!
After finishing the course work in this class please list for me the top three (3) subjects that you enjoied studying most and explain why. If you feel that there is a topic that is not currently covered in the curriculum and would be a positive addition to the course please share that. Thanks for a solid semester and good luck in the latter half of your senior year. All my best - Mr. B.