25 February 2009


After viewing the map in class, and coming to the group determination that the map IS in FACT an accurate representation of the world, why do so many people insist on calling the map "upside down"?


Stephen Vincent Lombardi said...

People from America are brought up with the notion instilled in their heads that the map of America is always depicted showing America beneath Canada. The map in question however, depicts America with Canada below it. This map would be correct in every way if it was being viewed by someone who was not of American descent. However, America being quite the arrogant and ethnocentric nation, the average American would find it strange and unsettling to look at a map of North America and not have the United States be the main focal point on it.

hannah lee said...

Well people around the world look at the map very differently sometimes. Not everyone has a specific way on taking things in. Such as this map of the USA, we as Americans look at the map the "right way," in other words they think that looking at certain things should be one way. People outide of the US may think otherwise on how they see the US. For instance Canada, they saw our state as to be the other way around through a different perspective because of where they stand.
By: Hannah Lee

kelsey morander said...

Many people still insist on calling the map upside down because it looks different than the map we are use to seeing daily. In American culture, the map is nearly always displayed in a view with South at the bottom and North at the top. We as Americans often look at things such as the map in a different perspective. We believe things should be one way, and only one way, or it's wrong. Many other countries would view this map very differently than we would because they have a very distinct perspective on the world.

j.riordan25 said...

I think so many people keep calling the map "upside down" because, when most people look at maps they are used to looking at it one way with the words faced a different. So, when the words are turned it seems that there is something wrong with the map and that it is "upside down" but in reality there's nothing different about it at all. If you gave this map to someone from a different country they wouldn't think anything was wrong with this map they would think it was fine and normal but, to us it doesn't seem right and that the words that should be the other way.

Tran Dacey said...

unlike what i beleived when i first looked at this assignment there is nothing wrong with the map other then what has been traditionaly been instiled in my mind as an american and as someone that is used to things always being the same but my beleifs are clearly wrong a view of america with canada on the bottom and mexico on the top is not incorrect it is just not in the standard form that i am used to viewing it in. i for one have seen that my socialogical imagination has not been developed to the point where i could understand this concept.

Laura Udice said...

Most people in america who would look at this map would believe that it is inaccurate because they are taught to see things a certain way, although the map is the same as any other map that we would have seen. When americans look at it they only see it in the way that they want to, which is the way that is sociologically acceptable and a learned trait.

Alexis England said...

Most people insist on calling this map "upside down" because of the ethnocentrism that our country possess. Like we learned in class, the map is just drawn from looking from a different perspective. I think that those with developed sociological imaginations can view the map in the intended manner but others who are still very close minded and think very obvious have a harder time and just see it as simply "upside down."

HeatherSJ said...

Many people in America like me are ethnocentrical and believe that America is the center of everything. We Americans view the map in a certain way based on the belief that we are the best, which is why people believe it’s just upside down. We always see the map with America right side up and usually in the middle and based on our perspective view and think that this is how it is always viewed rather then thinking with a different perspective.

Tuna said...

This shows how Americans / people in general are so one sided and how if we look at something we always look at the thing a certain way. And we never question how it looks, if you look at it from the side or upside down. Also, this show how some people want to view things and only think objects are right if they seen them like that but an apple is still an apple even if it is upside down but when it comes to something so complex like our country we only think it's right if it America in the middle with Canada on top and Mexico at the bottom. But I don’t think its just American because no matter what country your from if you see your country or something you care about and see all the time different and not as you see it in everyday life you think it is automatically wrong because some people don’t open up there sociological imagination and look at things in every way, shape, or form.