11 February 2009

Sociological Perspectives

After having discussed and learned about the three Sociological Theories/Perspectives: Conflict, Interactionist, and Functionalist - which one do you think is the best way to understand a society?


Toni said...

I think that no one of these theories makes up an entire society. Parts of all these beliefs are evident from past and present cultures. I believe that the functionalist perspective, the view of society as a set of interrelated parts that work together to produce a stable social system; held together by consesnus, is the most logical way to understand society. I believe this because although people are differeent, they tend to blend together in their goals. Everybody wants stabiliy and at least in America people have found a way to be democratic to acheieve what's best for society. Where it gets hazy is that sometimes to get to that consensus there is conflict, which is just a minor example of how to best understand a society all three perspectives need to be taken into account.

Tran Dacey said...

we need all these different views for society to work. but i beleive that the interactionalist view is the best because its how people intereact with eachother on a daily basis that makes up our society and brings about rules in society peoples interactions and reactions to eachother. a society without interactions would be a hollow shell if people just saw eachother and didnt interact life would be meaningless.

Alessandra said...

I don't think that just one of these theories can make up a society in its entirety. Each theory is used in every society. If i had to chose one to best fit the idea of a society, I would have to say the Functionalist perspective would be the theory. Because everyone has their own ideas, and when brought together it produces a social system that is stable. But there is not one society that doesn't have conflicts, and this shows that you also need the other theories to make a society.

j.riordan25 said...

I don't think that we could just pick one and say that it's the best way to understand a society. To understand a society we would need all of the theories/perspectives. Each of these theories is used in society. I think if any the functionalist perspective would be the best way to understand a society because; a functionalist perspective's society is a set of parts that work together to make up one whole stable society. I think that to make a society better it should be stable. But, this one perspective can't make a whole society you need all the sociological perspectives to have a good society.

Tuna said...
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Tuna said...

I think internationalist is the best because in the picture it shows how some people think and dress a certain way and how we look at them funny if they are different. But all through out history there are people who have been radicals and different from the pact and we as norms, look at them as different and outcast at times because of how they are. But sometime people need to open up and experience things differently for what they are, instead of questioning and prosecuting learn and experience like Max Weber and how he question and interacted with what he was studying. Because if you interact and blend in you get the full grasp of every part of there society.