29 April 2009

Race or Ethnicity?

In your opinion which is a more important in defining a person - their RACE or their ETHNICITY? - Choose ONE and explain, do not pick a combination!!!!!!


S.Losh said...

I think that ethnicity is more important when it comes to defining a person. Race is only skin deep and has nothing to do with how someone may act. Ethnicity helps develop someone's personality and values. During the Civil Rights Movement race may have been an issue on how people were perceived but in this modern day, every race has the same opportunities

Toni said...

Ethnicity is more important when defining a person. I think that so many different races have tried to overcome being noticed only by skin that it would be hypocritical to say that race is what defines a person. What makes people unique is the traditions they follow and what they do. It's like not judging a book by it's cover, but you have to read what's on the inside. In psychology I learned that Americans refer to individuals by their individual characteristics. In Chinese culture they say "Lee is the son of..." Never is it said ___ person has ___ colored skin. Though skin color is a feature, it isn't defining.

sean murphy said...

i think that ethnicity is more importaint because you have no choice over your race. Further more your skin color is only what people see and it really doesnt have anyting to do with who you are as a person. race is different because that dinines you more as a person then your race does.

Alexis England said...

ethnicity is more important when defining a person, because you are judged by your culture and the food you eat, the music you listen to, and the language you and your group practices. All of these that are learned and passed down from generation to generation. Race is only skin deep and ethnicity is so much deeper than that.

annaskubisz said...

Personally, I believe that in defining a person, ethnicity is more important. Race refers to a group of people who share traits such as skin color, eye shape/color, hair texture, etc. While ethnicity deals with sharing a common culture, religion, language, and so on. For me the language that people speak, and the way they do things, celebrate holidays and treat one another, is more important than the way they look. Everyone looks the way they do (not considering the fact they can get colored contact lenses or dye their hair), yet traditions are taught and learned, making it in a way more special/important, in my opinion.

bart.bednarczyk said...

I think that ethnicity is more important when it comes down to who you are. Your ethnicity is your culture, it is what sets different groups of people apart from each other. It is the way you live and what you were taught is right and wrong and good and bad. I think that race is also important because it is also what sets groups of people apart from each other. I know that you can't change your race, but you can embrace it, and your race really has a lot of influence on society. Even if people don't want to admit it, when you see someone that is a certain color of skin, or had a certain hair color, you assume things about them, and that is OK because everyone has the right to think what they want. But I do think that ethnicity is more important, because no matter how you look on the outside...you can be any ethnicity that you want to be, but you cannot be any race you want to be.

j.riordan25 said...

I think that ethnicity is more important than race. I think a person's personality and who they really are is more important than what they look like. Ethnicity is passed down for generations from your family, but race doesn't. Also, race refers to groups of people and you can't change it. Ethnicity refers to your culture, religion, language, etc...Ethnicity you can change, and be who you want to be. Ethnicity lets you do what you want and be who you want to be, not what you have to be.

DanielleDalena said...

i think that when it comes to defining a person, ethnicity is much more important than race. your ethnicity involves so many different things and i think that culture and traditions are more important than what color your skin is or any of the other physical characteristics you possess might be. race itself has no impact on how the person grows up, acts, or raises their family. ethnicity on the other hand is a key part in shaping someone's personality, in my opinion. i think that it is more influential and is much more important in a person's life.

jmagalhaes said...

I believe that ethnicity is more important when it comes to defining a person. The traditions that you follow and what you do in certain situations define you more as a person. Race isn't as important. Of course, people will define you according to your skin color sooner or later in your life. However, it isn't who you truly are. How you react to different cases and situations and who you surround yourself with is the most important thing to think about.