01 May 2009

Race Classifications

Are older Sociologist right by having only THREE classifications for Race? Do those classifications need to change? If so, how would you classify them?


Toni said...

I think that they are right in having those classifications because when you look at the root of all people that is what they are derived from. Like mentioned in class today, it would get too hectic to try and come up with a classification for all people. The classifications are vague, because it is phrased as typically these people... I think that the thing that should be changed are the names of the groups. Caucasoid, negroid, and mongoloid sound like dinosaur names, and they are about as ancient. I think the tricky thing about naming the groups is how to say it without sounding racist, and I think in the "politically correct" world that we live in would cause trouble for many of the options. That is probably part of the reason why nobody has tried to change the classifications.

j.riordan25 said...

I think that having three classifications for races right. I think this because, even though people are mixes of other things, they still fit into on the three groups, caucasoids, mongaloids, and neigrods. They should still keep those three classifications, but go into greater detail, of who would fit into what group. I don't think these classifications should change, and if they were to change then all they should do is, tell us more about each group. Who fits into what, if people are mixes of things which group they would fall into, and many more.

sean murphy said...

I feel that they are right having those terms because it is just easier that way. if we were going to create a category for every race there was in the word we would have to create thousands. furthermore people would continue to have children with people of different race therefore resulting in a different category. so it is just easier to to keep the original 3 and fit everyone in those categories.

annaskubisz said...

When we discussed this topic during class, I didn’t understand why it’s necessary to have any classifications. “People are just people.” I thought. Whether you’re considered a Negroid, Mongoloid, or Caucasoid- you are just a person. The way someone looks has nothing to do with their actions. Now I feel that the three classifications are sort of an “overall” classification, and almost every person won’t fit perfectly into just one. I think this wouldn’t even be an issue- if people didn’t feel “offended.” Therefore I feel that changing these classifications or adding “more,” would cause even more problems. If one really thinks about it- there would be many classifications that would need to get added- in order to fit everyone’s physical characteristics. Therefore, I feel that having the three “over all” classifications shouldn’t be made into an issue.