01 May 2009

National Language...

In the year 2040 Sociologists and Cultural Anthropologists predict that Latinos will comprise 25% of the total population of the United States. Do you think the government should adopt Spanish as a national language? Remember - the USA does not have an official language...


Toni said...

I strongly believe that the USA should not adopt Spanish as a national language. I personally feel that people know what to expect when they come to America and realize that English is the language that is used. Although it's not the national language, it's the one that can be found everywhere. Moreover many of the Latinos are descendants of those to migrated to America. They have been in America and have learned English. In 2040 Spanish will probably be their second language. It would be expensive to change the signs and on top of there, where do Americans draw the line to begin to teach Spanish as the main language? If children learn it in school, but the parents don't know it, there would be confusion and lack of communication.

j.riordan25 said...

I do not think that the government should adopt Spanish as a national language. I feel if in 2040 that 25% of the United States are Latino's that we should still not adopt Spanish as a national language. I think that people need to learn it on their own, if they want to. Not everyone should have to know Spanish just because 1/4 of the United States will be Latinos. Plus, how would everyone learn the language? It takes a long time to learn and if students started learning it by the time they could speak, then how would everyone else older than that learn in a short amount of time. I think since everyone already knows English that it should stay they way it is, and not change it to Spanish. There will probably always be more people that speak English, so the United States should keep everything the way it is.

sean murphy said...

i believe that they should not adopt Spanish as the national language. i feel that we should do what many other countries do. we should put English and Spanish on everything. i know that people complain that this is America learn English but they are just being ignorant because wake up, English isn't the national language and as a matter of fact we don't have one so all of those people should learn to deal.

HarrisonScully said...

I feel that we shouldnt change or adopt for that matter spanish as are offical language at all. Even if they over populate all other races. English is the dominant lauguage even if its not the offical one it should remain that way even if this feeling I have is wrong I think its what it should be.