01 May 2009

Do you know Micheal Scott?

After viewing the episode titled "Diversity Day" from NBC's "The Office" - do you think the boss Micheal Scott (played by Steve Carrell) teaches his employees about diversity? Do you approve of his methods, if so why - if not, how would you teach people about diversity?


Toni said...

I think that Michael Scott does not teach about diversity, but of stereotypes. I thought that his methods were inappropriate because they clearly offended the Indian lady, and the secretary was uncomfortable when talking with Dwight. I think that our school does a good job teaching diversity... on diversity day. I know that prejudice is not just one day long, so I think that our school should incorporate learning about diversity in history classes. Maybe for school spirit points there can be, favorite athlete day, favorite color day, favorite food day so that way students learn that it's okay to have a different opinion. They'll know that it's okay to be different if diversity is talked about more frequently and openly.

j.riordan25 said...

After viewing the episode titled "Diversity Day" from NBC's "The Office", I feel that the boss Michael Scott does not teach his employees about diversity. I don't think he teaches them about diversity because; he had the people in the office wear index cards on there heads with a different race on them. I think he taught them more about racism and stereotyping then he did about diversity. I didn't like his methods of teaching the people in the office. I feel he should have taught them about diversity by having the other people talk and having a PowerPoint, and give them actual facts about diversity. He should have told them all about it first, and then did a activity more related to it. Also, diversity day should be like a weeklong thing, not one day. If it was a week long people would know better about it, and feel more comfortably about diversity and talking about it.

Alessandra said...

I think that Michael Scott does not teach his employees about diversity. He taught them more about stereotypes with the index cards on their heads. I feel like the way our school does diversity day is a perfect example of how to teach someone about diversity. You don't know who a person really is and then when you do hear some background, it may be a reason why that person is a certain way. I learned that on diversity day, not to judge a person without knowing them; because you don't know what they're dealing with outside of school. if Michael Scott had people talk about who they were I feel like that would be a better way to teach his employees about diversity.

sean murphy said...

i feel like he did not do a sufficient job of teaching his employees about diversity. i believe that all he did was show people how ignorant and stereotypical some people are. also as bad is this sounds it was intended to create a comic feel while he was discriminating against the people of the different races in his office. i would teach people about diversity by having each person have 1 hour everyday to teach the rest of the company about their culture.

allissia18 said...

I also agree that Michael Scott does not teach about diversity. He teaches and shows sterotypes. He wants his employees to act like the card on their forehead but if we are all equal and not trying to make anyone feel different then we should all act the same. He was influening people partake in the stereotypes. He did not teach about peoples differances he just made them feel uncomfortable about the stereotypes that are associated with the race or group on their forehead.

kelsey morander said...

After viewing the episode "Diversity Day" from NBC's "The Office", I felt Michael Scott did not teach his office correctly about diversity. Instead, he offended many by using stereotypes and putting different ethnicities on an index card which he made everyone wear on their foreheads. I suppose he did a good job of showing his faculty members what stereotyping typing is, and what not to do, although his method for teaching them about diversity was wrong. If I were to teach others about diversity, I would have shown a video of how different people might react to different situations based on their background. I would have explained what diversity is and how everybody's feelings should be taken into account before any actions are taken. I also would have held a 'seminar' just so everybody could formally introduce themselves and discuss their personality so that there wouldn't be any conflicts or problems about diversity in the work environment.

jmagalhaes said...

I believe that Michael Scott did not teach the people he work with about diversity. Instead, he taught them all the different stereotypes that are in the world. I think his method definitely did not work because people were very uncomfortable and one was crying during the workshop. I think that he should have done something like our school does on diversity day. And show that its okay to have differences, and have people tell their story to show how important it is to everyone to be equally treated. However, I do think that the diversity day workshop should be longer than a week. In one day, the students only get a taste of what diversity is. By doing it for a week, it gives them a chance to actually use diversity and see how others positively react to the difference.