11 June 2009

The End...

The end of the semester is closing in on us. This blog has been my 2008-2009 objective for the school year. Please tell me what you liked and disliked about the blog. Also, please suggest changes that you might make to improve the blog. Thanks for a great year!

1 comment:

Toni said...

I liked the blog. I think that it was a great way to bring home a piece of what we were working on in school. It also provided a great opportunity for us to get some extra credit. I know that many people missed the deadline however, so many one thing that could be improved upon is just a reminder or written on the board of when the blogs are due. other than that the blogs were pretty self explanatory, but they always related to our classwork, which was good.

On a side note, I googled the joke that Bender says and on imdb they said that the joke had no punch line; Judd Nelson ad-libbed it because they couldn't come up with a joke that had a punch line of "I forgot my pencil." That was a major disappointment. I was looking forward to a good joke.