02 September 2009

You're Back................

Welcome back to school and to the Sociology class blog. Your first task is to simply answer the following question: What do you expect to gain from taking this course?


Patrick S said...

I hope to gain a greater understanding of people and how they think, hopefully leading to a greater knowledge of how to make people laugh.

Anonymous said...

public speaking and how people have productive conversations...

Vicki Sanborn said...

i hope to gain more of a debate skill and to see more sides of an issue than my biased opinion.

aliawj said...

From this course, I hope to gain a better perspective from all sides a of situation, either it regarding race, or any other group of people. It's important for all people to be given the respect they deserve, and everyone should know the right things to say and be politicaly correct so they wouldn't offend any one. Also, personally I hope to gain the confidence to speak my mind because there is a lot of things I want to say regarding race and different sterotypes people have, and I would love the chance to share my own opinion.

DanielleG said...

From this course I hope to gain a better understanding of different religions, races, cultures, and just people in general. I also wish to gain more confidence in myself in order to be able to talk in front of a group of people and be able to share/debate my opinions and beliefs on different matters.

chelsey c said...

I hope to gain a better understanding on all different people. I would also like to gain the ability to hold a good conversation with facts.

Anonymous said...

From this course of Sociology i hope to gain more knowledge of the studies of human interaction and reactions between one or another. Also when we have assignments like speaking in front of class i hope to lose my fear of public speaking.

melissa m said...

From this course i expect to gain a better understanding of why people act the way they do. Also i hope to learn about different social groups of people and how they interact with eachother. I also hope to get better at public speaking and to hear and learn from the different opinions of my classmates.

Josh Mendes said...

I hope to not be as close minded as I usually am, to learn more about how social groups actually work, and just to gain any other knowledge possible

Ruben said...

This year I want to understand the sociological factors that cause people to react the way they do in society and in certain situations they are put under. I also want to develop my own sociological imagination and learn how to analyze situations differently.

TMarie said...

From this sociology course I hope to gain a better understanding off all types of people. Not just their religions or race, but a better understanding on why people act the way they do in certain situations and what causes them to act in that manner. Also, I want to better my social skills and over look my actions to be a better person in our society.

ChrisBennettson said...

Throughout this class, i hope to gain a greater understanding about society, and i would like to gain a more broad sociological perspective from this as well. Also, i'd like to learn about the basic fundamentals of society, and how these social phenomenons occur.

mfulf10 said...

i hope to gain a understanding of the subject sociology. and to also get the credit

Unknown said...

I hope to gain information from this class for use in the real world. I feel if I have a better understand on why and how people behave the way they do I can better myself for situations I will face beyond my high school career, and when I become a contributing member of society.

Michelle said...

I hope to gain more knowledge of how people work together and maintain the society we have today.

qasim raza said...

i hope to learn about human relationships and how human beings act with everyone and learn about different races and religion or ethnicity in this world

PatrycjaS said...

I hope to develop an understanding a knowledge about human social structure and activity, and why people do the things they do...:D

Gstewart said...

From taking this sociology course I hope to gain better insight on how humans interact with one another, as well as, their surroundings, past and present. I'm extremely interested in anthropology pertaining to the native tribes of the Brazilian and Amazon region. Perhaps what I learn in the classroom will also help with the outside research and educating I do on my own. I would like to absorb as much information as possible and apply it to daily life. Over all, I expect this course to be interesting, though provoking and insightful.

Alyssa Bart said...

I think that people are so interesting. A sociology class will help me understand all the different personalities.
Alyssa Bart

ChristySJ said...

From this course I think I can learn more about human aspects and society. Get to know more about the society that we are now leaving. Learn about different people's culture and how each culture are different.

nicky lebron said...

i hope to gain insight on how people react and relate to others. i hope to gain wider knowledge on how us humans think and make our decisions. i hope to gain skills in carrying out a discussion and taking different viewpoints and making a strong statement without bias. i want to know how people think and cope with their inner feelings and emotions. i want to develop a better sociological imagination and not be so bland and boring all the time.

liz tipton said...

From this course I expect too learn more about human behaviors. Basically, I want to learn what causes a person to react a certain way to a given situation. I also think that by taking this class i will gain further insight as to why we, as humans, do the things we do, and what makes us tick.

Cally Allen said...

From taking this course i hope to gain a better understanding on why certain cultures and people act in the way that they do. I also would like to gain a more open mind on understanding and even possibly accepting a culture that isnt my own and that im not familiar with. I hope to gain this, and a better social imagination by the end of the course. :]

ihanbur said...

I hope to gain a greater understanding of how people operate and how they interact with one another in society. Also, to gain knowledge concerning the different parts of society and the outcomes of when they interact.

avasile said...

in this course i hope to gain more knowledge about the society, other religions and how they are practiced, and overall knowledge of people and thier actions. also i expect to gain this credit so i can leave this school!!!!

jcirig1 said...

this year i hope to gain a understanding on other peoples beliefs and sociology itself. i also hope to gain confidence to be able to talk well infront of the class.