11 January 2011

Good Wife's Guide (1955)

After reading and discussing the Good Wife's Guide from 1955 please address the following questions: 1) Do you think the major themes from this guide hold up in the 21st Century? 2) What changes would you make to it to update it for females of the 21st Century? 3) How would a Good Husband's Guide go over in the 21st Century? What are some ideas that might be included on a male version?


Anonymous said...

I think that the major themes mentioned in the guide hold up to some extent, but not the extent displayed in the guide. Today a wife would probably not take off her husband's shoes and treat him like a king. The wife and husband may even share the role of cooking dinner. Also most likely if a wife's husband did not come home and did not say where he had been, the wife would be upset and not calm like mentioned in the guide. To update the guide to fit today's day and age I wouldn't have as many servant- esque jobs and tips for a wife to do and preparations recommended for a woman. I would take out tips like the one where she should wash up and be pretty for her husband and not include as many tips about cleaning. Today a Good Husband's Guide may be looked as a joke. I can imagine a man laughing as he read a guide of responsibilities for him to do daily. A man may not take it seriously and some do not read as many magazines that show them what a male gender roles includes. Some ideas that may be included are for a man to keep up with maintenance of the car, house, and other responsibilities such as yardwork.

Timith J. said...

I think that the good wife’s guide from 1955 does not apply in the 21st century. It is because women are also going to work and they usually come home the same time as their husbands do. So it is not possible to cook a meal before their husbands get home. They might be also tired and need to rest like their husbands. So, the wife should try to do some work and leave the rest for the husband. The work should be divided between them. A good husband’s guide would include jobs like cutting the grass, helping his wife to cook, and paying the bills.

kristi x said...

After reading the Good Wife’s Guide from 1955, I do not think the major themes from the guide hold up in the 21st Century. That’s because back then the wives were expected to do everything, while the men just stood back, relaxed and got catered. It seemed as if the wives would stress out to make everything right for their husband, and the men did not do anything about it. Some changes I would make to it to update it for females of the 21st Century are that men cook these days, and help clean as well. Today, women work full time too, so sometimes when they come home from work it would be nice for the husband to have prepared a nice meal for their wives. A Good Husband’s Guide in the 21st Century would say that a husband should work every day so they can make money for the family, they are expected to fix anything that goes wrong and construction around the house, and then they relax and watch TV while their wives make them something good to eat.

Gmilardo15 said...

I don't think that the themes mentioned in Good Wife’s Guide from 1955 hold up in the 21st century. I believe this because women now have full time jobs and responsibilities to fulfill just like men do. They don't have the time to clean or cater to their husbands. Updating this guide to fit today's day I would change most of the parts that include being a servant to you husband. A healthy relationship should be based on both partners contributing equally. A husband's guide today would be laughed at but should include that all husbands must devote time to clean, cook, and organize the house. Also to help your wife relax because she probably had just a stressful day as you did.

Holly said...

I do not believe that the themes in this guide hold up in the 21st century. They are outdated. In the 21st century women have taken on roles that were not done by women in the 50s. The roles of men and women are close to equal in most house holds. Women and men both have jobs, both do the cooking and cleaning and taking care of the kids. The change that I would make to the good wife’s guide would be less of doing things for their husband, and more of having good qualities. Being a loyal spouse, helping with the house work, cooking, talking care of the kids. A good husband’s guide would most likely be looked at as a joke, something that would not be taken seriously in households. I would make the good husband’s guide the same as the good wife’s guide; to help your spouse with everything pertaining to the house hold and to be loyal. I also would use the term “spouse” and not specifically “you husband/wife” because of same sex marriages.

Briana Chantel said...

After reading The Good Wife Guide, I do not think these would hold up in the 21st Century. Reason being because things have changed since then and women are not stay at home wives anymore. Women are now going out and seeking other careers and men are the stay at home moms. Some new norms from the 21st Century might be men clean up after themselves, women like to come home to a clean house, another one might be men compliment their women like to be complimented on, she loves to feel apreciated. The 21st Century has changed a bit since back then and now the women are the bread winners of the household. :)

Sarah Riordan said...

After reading the good wife’s guide I do believe that some of the themes mentioned hold up today. Generally it is still thought of for the woman to take care of the household, and do the bulk of the cleaning and cooking. Though, unlike in 1955 we now have stay at home dads as well as moms. Because of this males have begun to take on some of the tasks and chores that in the past would have been unheard of for a man to do. I believe that if this guide was updated and reprinted today changes would include the guide becoming more equal between men and woman. This guide treated woman like servants who had to be perfect for their husbands, anything mentioning woman behaving in this manor I would get rid of if I was to reprint this guide today. I don’t think a Good Husbands guide would go over well at all today. I personally don’t believe any man would take it seriously, if there was one though it would probably tell men to be on top of yard work and the maintenance of the home.

SamWilson said...

Society's rules for married men and women have deffinitely changed since 1955 and the Good Wife's Guide no longer applies in this generation. In fact, the roles might have even switched as Briana said about the men being the house dads since the women work outside the home now. In my family, the house hold jobs were split up between my mother and father. Both would cook and clean, but my mother usually took care of me and my sister while my dad did yard work and such, but both had jobs. Also, reading what the guide talked about how the women should treat her husband is understandable, but also degrading. I dont know anyone who would pamper her husband and not be given the same treatment in return. Also, when the man would stay late at work, the wife wouldn't be calm about it today, but more fear that he's cheating or hanging out with friends at a bar when he should be home. Women in the 21st century have become more independent and able to support themselves without the help of a man, like single mothers. If there was a Good Husband's Guide, men would just laugh at it as Emily mentioned. They wouldn't take anything seriously about it. Though men didn't do much in the 1950s with the children, that I don't think has changed in this day and age. I think the husbands would give anything in exchange to not have to change a diaper.

KarleyE said...

I do not believe that the Good Wife's Guide from 1955 holds up in the 21st century. Yes today men are known to get a higher pay doing the same job as women, but now women have more rights and freedoms. It was ideal back then for a girl to find a husband, marry him, have children, and take care of the household. Today millions of women have their own lifestyle where they adopt or raise their own child without a father there. Also in the household men do chores that were known for only women to do... Such as cleaning and cooking. Females have important involving jobs today in the 21st century. They also have jobs that men were known to only have such as important roles in office like being a governor. A male version should have qualities such as being handy and fixing things around the house, while also having a steady job to keep the family supported. The husband should help raise the children and teach them important life lessons also.

kristen24 said...

After reading and talking about the Good Wife's Guide from 1955 i believe that some of the major themes in this guide still hold up today but to a certain extent. Today women are still looked at to do the cooking and cleaning around the house. Now a days women don't care to every man's needs men and women are almost equal in their duties to the family. Some changes that i would make to update this guide to the 21st Century would be that women now have jobs and there are some stay at home dads that do just as much if not even more cooking and cleaning then the wife does. I do not think that the Good Husband's Guide would go over well in the 21st Century because it would not be taken seriously. Some ideas that might be included in the male version is that they are expected to bring home the money for the family and act as a role model to his children. Also it might include men and women are almost equal in society.