28 February 2011

The Three Perspectives...

After learning about the three Perspectives of Sociology in Chapter 1 of your textbook, which one do you feel BEST explains American Culture in the 21st Century?


Demetri Savvidis said...

I feel that the interactionist perspective best explains the American Culture in the 21st Century. I think that this perspective best explains the culture because our world is always changing due to the fact that people always change. And when people change, they interact with each other in different ways. This may seem like the conflict perspective or even the functionalist but I'd say it is the interactionist because in the end, it all started because people were interacting with one another.

Leann said...

I feel the Conflict Perspective best explains American Culture in the 21st Century. The conflict perspective is when something promotes competition and change. In society today, everyone competes for the best job or the best partner in life. Furthermore, society runs on changes. The more society changes, the more everyone competes. Therefore, our society revolves around the conflict perspective.

LaurenZenzie said...

I 100% agree with what Demetri said about the interactionist perspective best describing 21st century American Culture. A prime example of this is when students go onto college, and begin to interact with new people. The interactionist perspective deals with symbols and symbolic interaction, which are used all of the time, especially when interacting with new people. Our society today is filled with new interactions everyday. This perspective focuses on how most people react to everyday situations, and why they act like that. This is a perspective that I believe perfectly explains American Culture in the 21st Century.

LaurenZenzie said...
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SeaBassFortuna said...

Although all perspectives can relate to the 21st century, I believe that the conflict perspective is the best perspective. We are constantly changing everyday both physically and internally. Physically because we are always changing the world around us with new innovation and even new styles with every decade. Internally because our frame of mind can always change. For example, in 6th grade health class we learned about the effects of alcohol and most of us probably thought how we won't do it. Then we get to High School and peer pressure, a force that promotes change, suddenly causes us to change that frame of mind. Also, in most situations the conflict perspective takes a major role such as sport teams, work hierarchy, and any other sort of relationship or social group.

Dee-Marie said...

I know that the conflict perspective best explains American Culture in the 21st Century because America has ALWAYS been about competition clearly, because we think we are better than everyone else. Even when you hear some kids talk to each other they are competing with each other on who's got it better. Society is stuck in a rut. We all think we are better than each other when EVERYONE IS EQUAL. Some people do have better lives, but i know i do not compete with other people, i compete with my judgment because i know what im capable of, but even so, i still compete. i work for everything i have while majority of teens just get things handed to them. There is more CONFLICT in this day and age than before, random stupid teenage breakouts, arrests, and name calling over dumb reasons. Conflict promotes change especially in high school because we loose friends of years, we grow apart, we just don't care. Majority of people try to "out do" other people, which could hurt someone down the road but we don't care anymore, we just want to be the best.

issygrl1818 said...
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issygrl1818 said...

Christina Hanan

After learning about the three Perspectives of sociology, I think that there is only one Perspective that most accurately describes the 21st Century. That perspective is the conflict perspective. As defined, the conflict perspective is about competition and change. I mean if you really think about it, most people in society are all about being the best. They want the newest and the coolest, they want to be promoted above all their co-workers, they want to be the smartest in college, they want to be the one to win over the girl or guy that they may be fighting for. The conflict perspective more so describes the 21st century like Leann says because we run on change, and as we change the competitive aspects of us are emerging. I can understand why people would think otherwise, but in my opinion, the Conflict Theory is the Perspective that best fits people today!

jsagherian said...

I believe that the interactionist perspective best explains American Culture in the 21st century. The interactionist perspective is how people interact with one another in society. This perspective asks the question: how do most people react to everyday situations and why do they act like that? For example, when someone goes in for a job interview, they must be able to interact with the person that is interviewing them in order to get the job. Another example is that when a family moves into a new town, they must interact with their new neighbors and others that live in the town in order to meet new people and make new friends. Based on the cultural transmission theory, which is connected to the interactionist perspective, these interactions could help influence a person's behavior and what a person's goals in life are. In conclusion, I believe the interactionist perspective best explains American Culture in the 21st Century.

Chantelle said...

I think that the conflict perspective best describes American Culture in the 21st Century. The perspective says than conflict promotes change. That applies to everyone and everything in America. The only time anything changes is when a group of people are in disagreement about something. For example, when it's time for a group to negotiate their work contracts, it will stay the same unless the group disagrees with the employer. By the employess having a conflict with the employers, their contract is changed for the better.

Anonymous said...

I fell like the conflict perspective best describes american culture in the 21st century. The conflict perspective is when forces in society promote competition, which leads to change. In our american culture we are all competing with each other. For example in high school we are all being motivated to compete agianst other high school students for good grades and high SAT scores, that way you can get accepted into a good college. In addition to that other people in society outside of schools are competing agianst each other for jobs, and the competition that exist between us changes who we are as people.