18 May 2011

Death Photos...

Do you think that the White House should release the death photo of Osama bin Laden? What actions could this have on race relations if released? Thoughts...

Diversity and Michael Scott...

After watching the "Diversity Day" episode of The Office do you think a lesson can be learned from Michael Scott? Do you believe that by being offensive to all people you are in fact offensive to no one? Thoughts...

06 May 2011


Read the following link about a boy in Pennsylvania and a teacher in Washington and then respond to the questions:


Do you think what the boy did was a distraction to the learning process, how about the teacher who shaved his beard? Did the principals at the two schools act accordingly towards the boy, the teacher? Was the student discriminated against? Was the student being discriminatory, was the teacher?


English as the Official Language?

As we discussed this week in class, by the year 2040 Sociologists and Cultural Anthropologist predict that the dominant language spoken in the United States will be SPANISH. Since you all know that we do not have an OFFICIAL language in our country right now, should we adopt one before 2040? Thoughts.....