18 May 2011

Diversity and Michael Scott...

After watching the "Diversity Day" episode of The Office do you think a lesson can be learned from Michael Scott? Do you believe that by being offensive to all people you are in fact offensive to no one? Thoughts...


LaurenZenzie said...

Although Michael Scott's outlook on being offensive to everyone is very well played and very funny in the show, I have to disagree. I believe that no matter who you offend, even if it is a whole group of people, it is still hurtful. I believe that a lesson can be learned from Michael Scott in a sense that you should not openly come out and offend someone in public. It will always offend someone when you talk badly about them, so the best lesson that I have learned is to just keep your mouth closed and not say offensive things to anyone at all, even if you are just joking around.

aannlockery said...

No matter if what he says is funny or not, it is still hurtful. What may be funny to some people can hurt others. Yes the episode can be used in a sense of learning about diversity, through humor, but it isn't always the best way to go at things, since people do have a different sense of humor than others.

rpac said...

By Michael Scott beeing offensive to all people, he's still offensive even if he treats everyone the same he's still hurting people in the process of being offensive to everyone. By being offensive to everyone he's still making everyone he meets mad. The lesson that can be learned from him is to not be offensive to anyone and no one will get angry with you.

Pete said...

I believe that michel scott is offencive because he is nieve to whats going on. yes he is indeede offending someone but he is doing it unknowlingly. Im not saying that we should go around bad mouthing people that are different, be we should be informed on who people are and how they react to others.

mtancredi said...

The Office's Michael Scott, known for his ignorant insults to others is in fact very offensive. Although this is part of his personality Michael must realize, this habit of insulting comments to all of his employees is not acceptable. Being offensive to one person or many people does not make it right either way. A lesson can definitely be learned from Michael Scott...to not act like him. During his case study, Michael blatantly came out and made the activity very awkward and offensive. Meanwhile, you could tell that everyone participating usually choose their words carefully so that they wouldn’t insult other ethnicities. Yes, even though they may have thought it, they did not blurt it out like Michael.

diana said...

A lesson can be learned, Michael Scott was HILARIOUS, I'm not racist at all, but it's a show, I don't watch t.v. or movies on my free time so I always laugh at what they put on television nowadays. But in reality, it could most defiantly be offensive because not all people sick up for themselves, so they keep quiet if you are in fact, offending them. I would say something if someone said something hurtful in anyway, that could potentially hurt someone around me, even if I didn't know them, that's just wrong, have respect for people, especially if they didn't do anything bad to you, be civilized.

mollyyyyy! said...

I do believe that you can learn from Michael Scott. Even though it was funny he still was saying racist and discriminating things about other races. I think it is true that if your prejudice towards everybody your prejudice towards no body somewhat. Because if you are saying prejudice things to everyone your not just discluding a certain race or being racist towards a certain race. But then again, it's still offending no matter what to discriminate against someone. No one likes to be picked on or discriminated against. So in the episode you learn that diversity is something that is important to our society and shouldn't be joked around about.

Foster said...

Despite the fact that Michael Scott's outlook on being offensive to all people is actually being offensive to no one made for a funny episode; I would have to disagree with that statement. The way I see it is if you are offensive to anyone, you are hurting that person. You can also be offensive to a group of people, and that doesn't make a difference because you are still hurting someone's feelings or being judgmental. I think the lesson that could be learned from this is that people need to be more careful of what they say because you never know what could offend someone.

DOMINIC said...

I think that Michael Scott does teach people something in this episode. I think he teaches how they are viewed in todays society. Also he exhibits stereotypes and generalizations people make. I disagree with the statement that being offensive to all people you are in fact offensive to no one. If you offend me then offend 5 more kids around me i still would be offended. Offending everyone doesn't make it any better.

D. Hooks

kaylaa:) said...

I disagree with Michael Scott's idea that if you're being offensive to everyone, than it's not really offensive. I thinks its actually the opposite if your offensive to everyone it doesn't make it okay?,it makes it worse, it is judgmental and rude.Even if it was a joke or meant to be funny it's still offensive, just because a statement is made about a certain person or group doesn't mean the people around them just hearing the comment aren't offended as well, just like in the Shopping While Black videos we see that anyone who hears racial or offensive comments can be upset and offended by them. I think you can learn that you need to be careful about what you say even if it was meant to be funny people still can take offense and its not right to make stereotypical judgments about people.

yeaimcool101 said...

Michael Scott's belief that by offending everybody, he isn't offensive is meant for comedic effect and is not true. If you intentionally mean to be offensive to somebody there is no doubt that they will be upset. Depending on the situation the intended offensive statement could even be more damaging than if it was not intentional. This idea is like going around calling someone fat and then saying just kidding. Whether it was a joke or nto the person will probably be offended by it.

Julia said...

I thought that Michael Scott in the espisode was very offensive. I think that the lesson that can be learned is the fact of not trying to hard. You have to be able to control your personal thoughts and what you say, but you shouldn't make it so obvious that your're trying to impress someone.I think that the overall lesson is that people should keep their personal thoughts to themselves. I think that when people are offensive to all people it still does come out hurtful. Some people care more about things compared to others. If something rude is said, it's going to be offensive to come. The best thing to do in general is to keep your mouth closed.

akuz said...
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akuz said...

I do think a lesson can be learned from watching Michael Scott: don't take anything too seriously. Although maybe not as blatantly as Mr. Scott, we are all idiots at times and say things that might be considered offensive to someone. While I do not believe that being offensive to everyone means you're not being offensive to anyone, if there is no malicious intent, as there's not with Michael, than it should not be a big deal. It's always better to loosen up and laugh at our differences rather than take too seriously the words of others.

CASSIE ! said...

I believe that even if a person is offensive to everyone, then they still would be offending people because not everyone will necessarily know that they are offensive to everyone and they might take what that person says offensively just as they probably should. However, even if it was known that the person was offensive to everyone, it still would not make much of a difference because things that the person would say might still be hurtful or bothersome to those people. In conclusion, I believe that no matter what, by a person saying something offensive to anyone it is offensive because it can be taken however a person chooses to take it or sees it and if they take it in a negative way, then that would be wrong. So it would be better if people don't say things that will hurt another person at all.