11 September 2011

Remembering 9/11

Welcome back to school and to our Sociology class. After viewing the Dateline NBC Special on 9/11, what do you feel ALL AMERICANS should know or remember about 9/11?


Anonymous said...

DYLAN: After viewing the Dateline Special on 9/11, I feel all American's should remember what the country went through. We should remember all the people who lot their lives and the fire department who went into the burning building to save as many people as possible. They searched through rubble for days and pulled lifeless bodies from the wreckage. We should also remember the witnesses to this horrific event, including those who lost family and friends. Although it has been 10 years, it is important that we as the U.S never forget!

(Wendy) Mei Yang said...

I feel that we should remember 9/11 because it is a pivotal point of Americans. How people lost their families is a terrible tragedy and we should remember our fellow Americans, the firemen, the victims of the attack, and those affected by it, like we would remember a brother.

Anonymous said...

After watching the Dateline Special on 9/11, I feel that Americans should remember all the people lost on that day. Men, women, children, firefighters and police officers. As well as the people who spent days looking for others and helping the families who lost a life.It is also important to remember the emotions you had on that day whether the 9/11 attack affected you directly or not. This terrorist attack has changed the way the American people have had to live their lives. It has forever changed the freedoms of American society. Even though it was 10 years ago, people still remember that horrific day. 30 years from now, I believe that the same emotions will be felt by Americans because of the impact it had on their lives. 9/11 will be forever remembered, in some way or another.

KatieMay said...
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KatieMay said...

After watching the Dateline Special on 9/11, I believe all Americans should remember what happened on that day. I think America should always remember 9/11 so we never forget all the victims, and brave heros that came through on that day, who risked their lives to save others. No one affected by 9/11 should be forgotten along with family members of the victims. I think we should also remember 9/11 for the safety of our country so nothing like this ever happens on our soil again. Even though 9/11 was a tragic, horrific day, this awful attack as made America an even more united country.
-Katie May

Sarah Emerson said...

I think the viewing of the Dateline NBC Special was important to watch because 9/11 was such a memorable event. All Americans should know what happened on that day and how tragic it was for our country. An important lesson portrayed in this video is to never give up. We saw how people thought their lives were ending, but after rescuers searched through the rubble, they were found and saved. Watching the video really showed us how tragic 9/11 was for some families and how hard it was to lose a loved one. Most of all, Americans should remember that even though a decade has passed, 9/11 will forever be a huge part of the U.S.'s history.

Gigi Bellettiere said...
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Gigi Bellettiere said...

I feel that all Americans should know the truth about September 11th when they are ready to hear some of the most shocking and depressing news they might ever hear about their country, in their lifetime. I think that when people feel ready, they should know exactly what happened. I believe that it should be clear that this was no accident, and what the intentions of the men who were driving those two aircrafts truly were. I think that many younger kids may accept 9/11 as just an accident, or a misunderstanding, but they need to know that the United States was completely innocent in this act. They need to know that all the men and women who died in the towers symbolize that sometimes things happen to people who completely do not deserve it, and sometimes, we never figure out why things happen the way they do. I think everyone should understand that the men and women who did their best to save lives by risking their own and for some, dying, symbolize justice and the unconditional love people have for one another, even when it comes to saving a complete strangers life. I believe this day is a hard concept to understand, but I think with an open mind and a little bit of thick skin, anyone can realize and accept what happened on the day our towers fell.

Steph Kiback said...

After viewing the Dateline NBC Special on 9/11, I feel that ALL AMERICANS should remember how we all stood together as a country and didn’t let terrorists break our pride. Still to this day, 9/11 continues to be a time of sadness, grief, horrified memories, and even some guilt. But it also stands as a significant sign of pride. No matter how bad that day got or how many cries were made out for help, we Americans overcame what seemed to be the impossible that day. Homes were torn, but not broken. Lives were lost, but not forgotten. We the people didn’t let these obstacles define who we are as a country. We stood for what we believe in, freedom. We stood for hope to see the light shine through the darkness of the ash from the Twin Towers fall. We stood for our rights to fix the damage done within our Pentagon. We stood for the fight when we had to be as brave as those fellow American citizens who tried to take over the high- jacked plane of Flight 93. We didn’t give up. Even if not everyone could reach out to those instantly affected, each and every one of us found a way to be apart of one of the biggest support systems of our country’s history. We kept optimism alive when there was what seemed like nothing left. Like Dale Carnegie said so well, “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” We were those people.

TimLynch said...

Tim Lyench: after viewing the Dateline Special on NBC about 9/11, i feel that all Americans should remember that thousands of innocent people lost their lives. Thoae thousands of people are connected with people outside of the attck, and caused many other people grieved, and we should remember the millions of people not directly affected. But they were still affected because of those sixteen terrorists. We cannot be too terribly mad at the terrorists because it was partialy our airport securities fault. I guess you can say that the process was not up to par because of the fact that 16 terorists were able to board U.S planes with boxcutters. All Americans should know exactly what happened and how if they want to. U.S Government should not be able to lie to their citizens and get away with it, and not be okay with it. America must act as "one" to win, and end this war.

Brian Jones said...
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Brian Jones said...

I'm not sure when we as a nation decided to abandon our traditional neutrality proclamations regarding almost every war and conflict excluding the obligatory ones like 1812 because I lack the motivation to conduct the adequate research to acquire such knowledge. Regardless, neutrality is the basic underlying principle most establishments throughout our 6,015 years of terrestrial history largely dismissed (young-Earth creationism pun). Evidently abandoning such principles led to one of the most horrific tragedies of the 21st century; however, I'm not sure if such a statement is justifiable considering the relatively short span of this century thus far. Perhaps such nonconformity to our founding fathers' contrivances to construct a prosperous nation ultimately led to our own demise. One such implicit consequence of prevalent involvement with foreign affairs is the 9/11 tragedies that left millions frightened and mourning the losses of loved ones and fellow Americans. Perhaps the oppressive sanctions implemented by the U.N. to limit the economic prosperity of Islamic nations resulting in the displacement and inadvertent death of millions over the last 20 years combined with the deliberate radicalization of the Islamic people solely purposed to engage them in violent conflicts with Soviet Russia consequencially resulted in the terrors of 9/11. However, the totalitarian regimes and the conflicting religious sects within Islam informed the martyrs divine obligation to implement such attacks. A very important lesson to be noted is the rather axiomatic consequences of involvement in foreign affairs, consequences that could potentially be avoided with a moderate form of isolationism. I suppose the issue provides insight on sociological imagination and alludes to a societal aspect perhaps yet to be discussed in our sociological discourse; that being external influences from out-groups on a particular society that would also lead to a relatively similar conflict theory as presented by Karl Marx yet obviously differing in the sense of intrinsic conflict and external conflict.

angelyne vega said...

After watching Dateline Special on 9/11 I feel all Americans should remember this day because it was one of the most tragic days in US history, terrorist had tried to destroy our economy but we pulled through it.We have to give thanks to all the fireman and police men that help thousands of people survive and cherish the memories of the people we lost.The documentary gave you a clear understanding on how the building collapse and the experiences of the people that were on the planes the day of the crash. I personal never knew what actually happen till I seen this video and I'm glad I do now i will not forget the sacrifices our people made to save this country from total disaster.

Jenn Pachocki said...

After watching the Dateline special on 9/11, i believe that all Americans should remember the people that lost their lives that day and how they should never be forgotten. All of the victims, heroes and people who lost loved ones that day should never forget how they impacted our country. Many of us remember where we were or what we were doing on the day of September 11th, but I think many Americans should actually take time to consider the true impact that it has had their lives today. We should all know what really happened that day, and that this wasn't a mistake it was an attack on America. We should never forget all of the people that died, and pay our respects to them by all coming together with patriotism for our country on September 11th, and remembering what really happened.—Jenn Pachocki

freddy b. said...

After watching the Dateline Special on 9/11 in class I believe that all Americans should remember all the loved ones lost. All Americans should not only remember them but never forget about them and how much they meant to families. All the heros, victims and families that lost loved ones shouldn't forget how much they influence our lives and how much of an impact they had that day. I believe every year on that day it brings all Americans closer, and closer, and shows how we stood strong together. As years pass by everyone should know what happened on that day. We shouldn't forget all the lost loved ones and the innocent lives that were taken.

Rebecca Chapman said...

I feel the same way about what Americans should remember about 9/11 then before I watched the dateline special, and probably always will. The special was a great way, however, to really make sure people realize the extremity of the event and all its consequences. The thousands of people that lost their lives and hearing just a few of the individual stories should tug on your heart strings. Whether it was someone who lost a loved one who worked in the building, someone who survived form the building, a brave rescuer, or one of the amazing citizens on Flight United 93. This was something that happened in our country, something that wasn't that long ago. Often times people hear about attacks in other countries on the news or even not at all sometimes, and it's important to realize that those things that some people think could never happen to us did happen. All the people who put their lives at risk or gave their lives to help save people that day should definitely be remembered, and I think our nation has done a great job in making sure they are remembered. The memorial for 9/11 was one of the most expensive ones in history, and it's not even done being fully built yet. The special really just amplified the emotions felt by people across the nation that day and told some amazing stories of some of the people affected, and that are still affected to this day by the events of 9/11.

TOuellette said...

The dateline special about September 11, 2001 took an inside look at just a few of thousands of lives that were affected by that awful day in American History. Not only that, but it shows that even 10 years later, people who lost loved ones still feel alone, and also think about it every day. The quote in the special that I felt was the most important, was "I just hope people don't forget." This was said by one of the few firefighters that survived, after rushing into the building to save the lives of strangers. When I heard this quote, it made me think; will people forget? This december will be the 70th anneversery of the attack on pearl harbor. Although it was a extremly important day in American History, if you walk through the streets and ask people what happened on December 7th, there is a good chance that they won't know. I guess this goes to show that over time, people can forget about what happened on a awful day such as that in 1941. It makes me wonder what will happen 60 years from now. Will people remember the events, as well as they do now? I guess that we won't know, untill that time comes around.

Karan S said...

after 9/11 tradigy, I feel that Americans should remember all the people's lives lost on that day. Men, women, children, firefighters and police officers. People risked their lives to search for people who were trapped in debris of World Trade tower. It is important for all people to remember that day. It affected everything in whole nation and which terrorist changed the way we do to prevent any further attacks. For the future generations, We will reteach what has happened on that day of 9/11 and why it is so important part of the american history.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

After viewing the 9/11 Dateline Special, there are a few things that I think every American should know and remember. One thing that is very important to know is what exactly happened. 9/11 was a horrible tragedy that effected our entire nation and will never be forgotten. Everyone should remember all of the innocent lives that were lost, the brave people who sacrificed their lives to save others, and the heroes that risked and lost their lives. It is important to remember the impact that 9/11 had on every American, and the outcome of it. Everyone should know about the war with Iraq that resulted from the tragedy. It is extremely important to honor the lives that were lost, and thank the heroes that sacrificed their lives to save the lives of others. Always remember the victims, heroes, and now soldiers that were and are a part of our nation.

Kaitlyn Wilson

Madison Sullivan said...

After viewing the Dateline NBC Special on 9/11, i think we all saw the toll that the terrorist attack took on not only those on the planes or in the buildings or even in new york. Millions were effected by this tragedy all over America and it is certainly a date that none of us will ever forget. i feel that in particular all Americans should remember the fire fighters who were risking their lives running into a burning delapitating building trying to save as many people as they could. As they were running in, people were running out and could not believe that someone was brave enough to enter a building that so many were desperately trying to escape from. We need to remember our friends and family who were lost in the tragedy and know that they loved us and fought for as long as they could. I think something that is very important for us to remember is how we helped each other as a country. There was a story of one man who was trying to escape from one of the twin towers and heard a man calling for help through the wall. The man could have kept walking but instead rescued him from the wall and together they made their way out of the building. The two men became life long friends and they will always remember how they were unselfish and helped each other survive. I think many citizens of America came together that day and continue to come together every year to remember those they lost and to help our friends cope with their losses to let them know they're not alone. Most importantly, America did not fall to the terrorist attack. Our country could have easily fallen apart, but on that day we showed a sense of pride that held our country together and continues to hold America together. Without a doubt we will never forget 9/11.

Nicolette Saner said...

After viewing Dateline's special on the effects and true stories of the terrorist attacks on America, I believe that there are a lot of things Americans should remember that the country went through on that infamous day, 9/11/01. We should all remember that every single person who lost their lives that day were friends, family members, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, husbands, wives and children. Everybody who lost their lives on that day meant something to somebody. When you hear the figures of exactly how many people died that day, it doesn't really impact us because we could never fathom how many people that is without seeing it for our own eyes. Dateline's special really gave amazing insight as to how the wives of the victims of the terrorist attacks, both on the North and South towers as well as on Flight 93 were feeling as they said their final goodbyes. As I heard these horrifying stories, I couldn't imagine being placed in their shoes. Losing the loves of their lives in a completely unpredicted and unexpected manner, that is one of the most depressing things that I can only imagine. Every American should know that the people in those towers were not "stupid" for not escaping the second tower when the first got hit, because it was as unexpected as the first tower. Every person in those buildings, both workers and firefighters were very brave until the end when the towers collapsed and that they are all honorable people. Americans should remember that even 10, 20, 50 and 100 years from now, and beyond that, Americans will always remember that devistating day and how many loved ones were lost.

Jordan Dagata said...

After watching the Dateline NBC special on 9/11, i feel that all Americans should remember all of the live savers that were there on 9/11. First, all of the fire fighters should be remembered forever for risking their own lives and saving so many people in this terrible tragedy. Not only were they fire men who saved people, but there were other individuals shown in the special that chose to risk their lives and save others because they saw them suffering, in danger. We all should also definetly remember everyone that didn't make it through the attack. Even not knowing anyone who died in it, it is still so sad to think about people losing their lives because of this attack and the poeple who lost their loved ones. This event should be remembered for the rest of our lives.

jlatorre said...

After viewing the Dateline Special on 9/11, I feel that its a part of our society now a days to remember 9/11. September 11th is such a big day to remember for all the tragic losses that people have lost. It was such a big shock to our nation that really touched the lives of everyone. People that didnt even lose family members or anyone in the towers are affected by it because it was such a big thing that we expect to happen. We see this type of stuff on movies and think it will never come true but this time it was a reality strike for the United States. Just watching shows and things on 9/11, it always seems to give me chills about what happened because it was such a big moment in our time that really put a toll on the country. I dont think a lot of people appreciate what the police men, fire fighters, and U.S. forces did or are doing for our country and that day. They risked their lives for people they didnt even know, thousands of people that they might just see walking on the steet or in a store that they think they will never see again. They choose to put their lives in front of others to sacrifice themselves to help our nation and the people they save. Now shouldnt we have a little thought and consideration on 9/11 and/or anyday like doing the pledge of allegiance? The people that did this for our country never gave up hope or pride in what they did.

jlatorre said...
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JonSnyder said...

After viewing the Dateline Special on 9/11, I feel all American's should remember everything that happened that day. It was a tragic day for us as a nation. We should remember the people who lost there lives in the planes and the towers. We should remember all the fire fighters and police officers who risked their lives trying to save those in need. This event changed the way americans lived their lives. We should never forget what happened on september 11th.

Munoz10xoxo said...

I do have to say that when 9/11 did happen, we were all too young to really even remember what really happened. I'm not exactly okay with that, even though there really isn't anything that we can do, however, with all the talk about it today, I would have liked to have been able to say I know exactly what happened because I lived through it. I wasn’t exactly there to see it, but I was old enough to understand what my parents were talking about when they were explaining to me exactly what did go on. I think that is a very big reason as to why 9/11 is always going to be worth remembering. Besides the fact that this day is dedicated to all those brave souls who lived their lives in order to protect ours, and also for all of our dedicated hard working police officers, firefighters everyone who was involved in this terrible day and all those who lost their lives doing nothing but innocent work one day and not knowing that this day would be their last on this earth, we will always remember you all for your love and dedication you had to this world. I am so grateful each and every day for the family that I have, for the things that I am given every day, and the support I receive from each of my family members as well as my friends, because of that day, I am now so much more open minded and appreciative for everything that I have and I never for a second think of taking it for granted. I will always pray for those who aren’t as lucky ad I am today because of 9/11, and I hope that they find a way to get through their lives with strength and support from, all those who they have left.

Sunburn said...

after i watched the dateline special in class i felt that all americans should know about 9/11 because its an important day in american history. it's just as important as the day we were attacked at pearl harbor or the attack on fort sumpter. its another day we will live in, "infamy," like FDR said after he got news of the attack on pearl harbor. many people lost family members and friends in the attack. alot of firefighters died because of all the dust or being in the collapse of the buildings. Just forgetting those deaths will be like letting them die in veign.

Munoz10xoxo said...
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