22 May 2009

Broken Toys...

After viewing the HBO documentary - "Skinheads USA" - how and why can people like
Bill Riccio influence young people to think like he does?
Should his 1st Amendment rights be protected just like everyone else's?

18 May 2009


After viewing the Academy Award winning film - CRASH - by Paul Haggis please respond to the following questions.
1) Do you think the film is an accurate portrayal of the differences in race in America today?
2) Do you think the film makers did a good job of giving equal coverage to each race and ethnicity in the film?
3) What is the most important lesson a person should take away from the screening of CRASH?

01 May 2009

Do you know Micheal Scott?

After viewing the episode titled "Diversity Day" from NBC's "The Office" - do you think the boss Micheal Scott (played by Steve Carrell) teaches his employees about diversity? Do you approve of his methods, if so why - if not, how would you teach people about diversity?

National Language...

In the year 2040 Sociologists and Cultural Anthropologists predict that Latinos will comprise 25% of the total population of the United States. Do you think the government should adopt Spanish as a national language? Remember - the USA does not have an official language...

Race Classifications

Are older Sociologist right by having only THREE classifications for Race? Do those classifications need to change? If so, how would you classify them?