23 December 2011

Michael Scott...

After watching the "Diversity Day" episode of The Office do you think a lesson can be learned from Michael Scott? Do you believe that by being offensive to all people you are in fact offensive to no one? Thoughts...

30 November 2011

Official Language...

After today's discussion we know that by the year 2040 sociologist predict that Spanish will be the most widely spoken language in the USA.  Since there is no "official" language in the United States do you think we should add one?  If so, should it be Spanish, English, or both?  Thoughts....

21 November 2011

What did you see???

During the Prezi and corresponding live demonstration of the "WHAT DID YOU SEE" activity what did you learn about yourself and about others in relation to their preconceived notions about Race and Ethnicity? The people who participated in Part II of the activity are to be commended, they performed a task that was NOT easy. But, do you think you would have done a better job of figuring out names and dominant ethnicity? Explain...

26 October 2011

Victimless Crime...

Are victimless crimes only hurting the person committing the crime or do you think that society as a whole suffers as well? Should some of these crimes/actions be decriminalized? Thoughts...

18 October 2011

Is Halloween Deviant????

Now that you are a senior in high school do you think it is deviant to "dress up" for Halloween?  Do you think it is deviant to go house to house and "treat" for candy?  If you said yes to either of the previous questions at what age do you feel dressing up and going trick or treating becomes deviant?

27 September 2011

Face to Face...

Today in class we did an experiment in the Interactionist Perspective known as "Face-to-Face" - what did you notice about the three different groups/couples that participated in the experiment?  What perspective best explains each of the couples actions????

Forrest Gump....

One of Forrest Gump's favorite quotes is, "Stupid is as stupid does..." What does that actually mean? Could any or all of the Sociological Perspectives be used to understand this quote?????

11 September 2011

Remembering 9/11

Welcome back to school and to our Sociology class. After viewing the Dateline NBC Special on 9/11, what do you feel ALL AMERICANS should know or remember about 9/11?

18 May 2011

Death Photos...

Do you think that the White House should release the death photo of Osama bin Laden? What actions could this have on race relations if released? Thoughts...

Diversity and Michael Scott...

After watching the "Diversity Day" episode of The Office do you think a lesson can be learned from Michael Scott? Do you believe that by being offensive to all people you are in fact offensive to no one? Thoughts...

06 May 2011


Read the following link about a boy in Pennsylvania and a teacher in Washington and then respond to the questions:


Do you think what the boy did was a distraction to the learning process, how about the teacher who shaved his beard? Did the principals at the two schools act accordingly towards the boy, the teacher? Was the student discriminated against? Was the student being discriminatory, was the teacher?


English as the Official Language?

As we discussed this week in class, by the year 2040 Sociologists and Cultural Anthropologist predict that the dominant language spoken in the United States will be SPANISH. Since you all know that we do not have an OFFICIAL language in our country right now, should we adopt one before 2040? Thoughts.....

28 April 2011

Race & IAT...

Earlier this week you spent a day in the Computer Lab taking part in Harvard's Race/IAT Test - please address the following questions... 1) Do you think the initial information that IAT gave you about yourself is accurate? 2) In what ways could the test be improved?

11 April 2011

Racial Profiling

Recent studies have shown the black people in America are far more likely to be pulled over and searched while driving their motor vehicles. Other statistics show that the highest rates of crime in the United States is perpetrated by black people. The interesting Sociological question here is are black people committing more crimes or are they caught more often because of racial profiling, thus skewing the statistics?

Victimless Crimes...

Are victimless crimes only hurting the person committing the crime or do you think that society as a whole suffers as well? Should some of these crimes/actions be decriminalized? Thoughts...

23 March 2011

Would You Go To Prison????

After talking about the Barry Bonds perjury case and the refusal of his former trainer Greg Anderson to speak to Federal Prosecutors (for which he has spent over 1 year in prison) - I pose the following questions for you... Would you go to prison for someone who you knew to be guilty of the crime they swear they did not commit? Is it deviant to cover up for someone even if you will be repaid later on for your silence?

10 March 2011

A box of questions...

One of the most famous quotes from Forrest Gump is, "Life is like a box of chocolates...you never know what you are gonna get." What does that actually mean? Can this quote grant you access to Forrest's sociological imagination? What does it say about Gump's imagination and maybe Mrs. Gump's imagination?

28 February 2011

The Three Perspectives...

After learning about the three Perspectives of Sociology in Chapter 1 of your textbook, which one do you feel BEST explains American Culture in the 21st Century?

11 January 2011

Good Wife's Guide (1955)

After reading and discussing the Good Wife's Guide from 1955 please address the following questions: 1) Do you think the major themes from this guide hold up in the 21st Century? 2) What changes would you make to it to update it for females of the 21st Century? 3) How would a Good Husband's Guide go over in the 21st Century? What are some ideas that might be included on a male version?