16 December 2009

Racism or Not??????

The following question was posed to me during 8th Period Study Hall in the cafe by Dan Monikowski. Please respond...."Could it still be considered racism if someone believes that a race other than their own was superior or that their own was the inferior race?" Is it racism? Yes or No?

14 December 2009

Protected Hate?

After watching the HBO documentary "Skinheads USA" why do you think Bill Riccio and others like him are able to express such hateful views? Should our government be changed to limit the rights of people like Riccio or should the law remain the same? Explain...

25 November 2009

Diversity Day...

After watching "Diversity Day" from the NBC television show The Office do you think humor and satire can teach people about racism and ethnic differences? Also, the character Michael Scott is clearly intolerant towards all people. Can we learn a lesson from people like him?

20 November 2009

Race Classifications...

Are Sociologist and Cultural Anthropologists right by having only THREE classifications for Race? Do those classifications need to change? If so, how would you classify them?

12 November 2009

Tell Me What You Saw...

In the opening activity to Race & Ethnicity you were shown slides of 15 people and had to determine both their Race and Occupation. Many if not all students were unable to correctly identify 25% of the slides. What does this activity tell a person about how they perceive people of a different race or ethnicity?

27 October 2009

Halloween...Is it Deviant?

One of your favorite childhood holidays falls on this Saturday October 31st, I am of course talking about Halloween. My two questions for all of you are, A) Do you still dress up for Halloween, and B) At what age does it become deviant to dress up in a costume and ask your neighbors or strangers for treats?

13 October 2009

Victimless or Not...

Do victimless crimes only have a negative impact on the person who is participating in the activity or does society suffer as well?

01 October 2009

Differential Association...

After talking about Edwin Sutherland's theory of Differential Association do you think it is accurate? Why or why not?

22 September 2009

Nature vs. Nurture...

After briefly discussing Margaret Mead and her work in New Guinea...what is the answer to her great question - Is it a person's NATURE that shapes who they are, or is it NURTURE?

17 September 2009

Symbolic Interaction

After completing the symbol activity in class please address the following questions:

1) Were you surprised at the similarity or differences of responses to the symbols?

2) What does a persons' reaction to a symbol say about their Sociological Imagination?

02 September 2009

You're Back................

Welcome back to school and to the Sociology class blog. Your first task is to simply answer the following question: What do you expect to gain from taking this course?

11 June 2009

The End...

The end of the semester is closing in on us. This blog has been my 2008-2009 objective for the school year. Please tell me what you liked and disliked about the blog. Also, please suggest changes that you might make to improve the blog. Thanks for a great year!

22 May 2009

Broken Toys...

After viewing the HBO documentary - "Skinheads USA" - how and why can people like
Bill Riccio influence young people to think like he does?
Should his 1st Amendment rights be protected just like everyone else's?

18 May 2009


After viewing the Academy Award winning film - CRASH - by Paul Haggis please respond to the following questions.
1) Do you think the film is an accurate portrayal of the differences in race in America today?
2) Do you think the film makers did a good job of giving equal coverage to each race and ethnicity in the film?
3) What is the most important lesson a person should take away from the screening of CRASH?

01 May 2009

Do you know Micheal Scott?

After viewing the episode titled "Diversity Day" from NBC's "The Office" - do you think the boss Micheal Scott (played by Steve Carrell) teaches his employees about diversity? Do you approve of his methods, if so why - if not, how would you teach people about diversity?

National Language...

In the year 2040 Sociologists and Cultural Anthropologists predict that Latinos will comprise 25% of the total population of the United States. Do you think the government should adopt Spanish as a national language? Remember - the USA does not have an official language...

Race Classifications

Are older Sociologist right by having only THREE classifications for Race? Do those classifications need to change? If so, how would you classify them?

29 April 2009

Race or Ethnicity?

In your opinion which is a more important in defining a person - their RACE or their ETHNICITY? - Choose ONE and explain, do not pick a combination!!!!!!

17 April 2009

Meth...An East Coast Problem?

After viewing the PBS film about Meth and reading the accompanying articles - do you think that Meth is a problem that has reached the East Coast? If so, what can be done to stop the spread of the drug - if not what can be done to stop it from reaching the East Coast?

07 April 2009

Amnesia...the New Bliss?

After reading the article on PROPRANOLOL do you think that if the FDA approved its use it would have a positive effect or a negative effect on society? Why - explain...

20 March 2009

Who is the Victim???

Do Victimless Crimes only hurt the person who is participating in the activity or does society as a whole suffer as a result of that persons actions?

12 March 2009

Differential Association

After learning about Edwin Sutherland's differential association in class, do you think it is true? If so, would you ever make your own list to see if you are or are not a deviant person?

05 March 2009

Virtues of Ben Franklin

How important are virtues in American Society today?
Would Ben Franklin's ideals hold up in the 21st Century?

25 February 2009


After viewing the map in class, and coming to the group determination that the map IS in FACT an accurate representation of the world, why do so many people insist on calling the map "upside down"?

11 February 2009

Sociological Perspectives

After having discussed and learned about the three Sociological Theories/Perspectives: Conflict, Interactionist, and Functionalist - which one do you think is the best way to understand a society?

04 February 2009

Sociological Imagination

Why does the case study of the "Nacirema" become so obvious after we have discussed it as a class? Why do 90% of the people who read the case study for the first time miss the meaning? What does that say about the importance of developing an active sociological imagination?

13 January 2009

Gender Roles

After reading The Good Wife's Guide from 1955, do you think any of the suggestions still hold true in the 21st century for women? Is that a bad thing or a good one? Explain...

06 January 2009


After viewing CRASH do you think it is an accurate representation of race in the United States today? Why or why not - explain...